Pembroke Elementary School

The school unit will provide an educational environment designed to encourage each student to acquire the necessary skills and perspectives needed for a meaningful life and career. All schools will strive to encourage students to form desirable habits that are necessary for them to become responsible, informed citizens. In general, we aim to have students develop attitudes and practices necessary for a satisfying, worthwhile life.
We believe that all children must be provided with equal but not identical opportunities to allow them to achieve at levels that commensurate with their abilities. We believe that all students must learn in an environment that allows them to develop positive attitudes towards themselves and genuine respect for others.
We believe in order to achieve our goals and to implement this, a core curriculum will be provided that is designed to develop mastering of the basic skills of education, as well as give students a broad educational foundation compatible with their interests, aptitudes, and aims.
We believe in order to implement this philosophy that all schools must secure the involvement of the community, students, staff, parents and citizens. Educational responsibility must be shared with important community institutions. We strongly believe that our school unit's success depends on good rapport and cooperation with our communities and its institutions.
The board recognizes the professional staff as the body that is legally charged with the responsibility for education of all children. In fulfilling this responsibility, the staff will ensure the following: All children will master basic skills in the areas of language arts, mathematics, science and history. Instruction will be provided which is appropriate to each individual with respect to goals, methodology and evaluation.
Students will be seen in their totality as physical, mental, social, and aesthetic beings, which requires knowledge of child growth and development.
Professional staff members, in order to effectively execute their responsibilities, will establish goals for themselves consistent with the philosophy of the board and individual schools. Staff members will engage in self-motivation for the purpose of self-improvement, the ultimate objective being an improved instructional program for all students.
The board recognizes that this technological society demands that the students learn how to cope with change and learn to accept that "learning" is a continued process.
The board fully accepts the responsibility of formulating policies and acquiring adequate funding to support the education process. The board will full always consider the welfare of students as the single most important factor in making decisions relative to educational policy. It will be the responsibility of the board and administrators to promote sound educational practices and professional development.
Pembroke Elementary School on Route 1 opened in 1982 near the border with Dennysville. The school features classrooms for Grades K4 through 8, a gym/cafeteria, a library, a classroom used for music, art and health, playground and ball field, and offices.
In 2006, a four-classroom modular structure was added. Since the 1960s, Pembroke has been a part of School Union 104, along with Eastport, Perry, Charlotte and Dennysville. With the announcement in the summer of 2007 of the Governor’s School Consolidation Plan, Union 104 schools organized as AOS 77, the Sunrise County School System, in 2010.